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Update Your Skincare Routine for Fantastic Fall Skin

The winds are changing, the leaves are starting to fall and some of our favorite caffeinated drinks are available once again; it’s fall! When the season changes we need to think about changing more than just our wardrobe. The exposure to the summer sun has most likely left some damage to your skin and now begins the renewal process. With the help of these few tips to repair and prepare your skin

for the coming colder months your skin will be thanking you.

1. Don’t Skimp on Sunscreen – You may not feel the sun’s rays beating down on you like they did in summertime, but with all of the other skin treatment options out there, prevention is the best method. Make sure your moisturizer has at least SPF15 in it.

2. Stay Hydrated – When it comes to creams and cleansers it is important to make sure your summer products aren’t drying out your fall skin. Switch from a gel cleanser to a cream and make sure you are using a moisturizer. You don’t need to start using heavy creams just yet, however a lightweight serum could do the trick. You could even kickstart your journey to rejuvenation with a hydrafacial at Kucumber Lounge.

3. Prepare Your Canvas – If exfoliating on a regular basis isn’t part of your normal routine, now’s the time to start. Once a week is enough to help chip away at the months of dirt, sweat and grime that may still be lingering in your pores. Be careful to choose a gentle scrub that won’t do more harm than good. Why not try an oil-based scrub which will leave your skin feeling hydrated as well?

4. Keep Your Eye on the Target – The eyes are one of the first things that we notice about another person. Unfortunately, the skin around your eyes is very sensitive and susceptible to changes in the weather as well. Your eyes can quickly add or take away years from your appearance. To avoid puffy, baggy eyes and the appearance of fine lines, smooth on a light eye cream once a day, preferably in the evening before bed.

5. Book a Facial or Body Treatment –Your body is a temple and Kucumber Lounge helps you to keep it looking that way with treatments for the face, neck, arms, hands, back, legs and any other areas that suffer from sun damage. Meeting regularly with a skin care professional ensures that your skin stays healthy and vibrant. At Kucumber Lounge you’ll find a wide variety of services to help treat anything from over-exposure to the sun, to sunspots, to anti-aging and refinement.

For more information on how to best transition into a fall beauty routine or to schedule a complimentary skin analysis with our Kucumber Skin Lounge specialists, give us a call today.